

SKU: N/A Category:


Vanadinite is a stone known for facilitating and expanding the mental process while also promoting action and production. It’s a perfect crystal for long hours of work, studying, or exercising. This stone activates the lower three chakras, giving one the enhanced focus and determination to see long sought out projects come to completion. Vanadinite also activates the third eye and allows for clear thought and patience during these long projects or workouts.

Vanadinite also enhances those long and deep meditative sessions.This special crystal helps create an empty mind that can be used as a sponge during these sessions, absorbing knowledge and information. Vanadinite pushes for organizations of thoughts and ideas, and will help bridge your goals to the Earth realm.

Zodiac: Virgo
Planet: Unknown

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Vandanite Skeletal Mini, Vandanite with Barite on Black Manganese from Mibladden, Skeletal vanadinite, Skeletal Vanadanite, Vanadanite with Barite and Black Manganese